As Suffolk Live’s recent article showed Suffolk business world can sometimes be very male-dominated and they felt it was time to showcase some kick-ass local female leaders. From fashion to finance, crafts to catering, Suffolk women are thriving.

32 businesswomen have shared their stories in the article - Suffolk Live’s Article 32 Inspiring Business Women

The work Sam does in Digital Strategist, Digital Transformation and Change Management did not go unrecognised.


Founding Measured Brilliance in 2012, we have always been a small team. We’re based in East Anglia with backgrounds in web development & design, sales & marketing, software development and conversion optimisation. For years, we’ve helped companies of all sizes to discover and communicate with their customers online. We try our best to make sure that technology gets out of the way and allows them to do what they do best: provide great service to their visitors.

Sam knows how to talk to small businesses, no matter how technical (or ‘untechnical’) they are.

Sam was asked if she has any plans for the future?

Sam replied ‘I have two aims’.

  • To showcase the incredible digital and technical services we have in Suffolk.

  • I want to address regulate tech sales, how we educate consumers and most importantly how we help to people understand what their digital legacy is and its value.

We’re proud to see the irrepressible Sam taking centre stage, and we think she’s set to achieve those aims.