Think about how much time you spend swimming through your emails, responding to leads that might eventually go cold. It’s not just potential sales that you lose, but so much time down the drain. Email marketing automation can nurture your leads and save you an incredible amount of time, without needing the attention of a one-off email campaign.

Long-term value is key for email marketing, because nobody really wants to be writing endless emails and chasing up leads. 

We can automate your email marketing, saving you time with emails optimised to convert leads into customers. Not just a one-off campaign, but a proactive sales process that sends the right emails to trigger sales.

Why automation?

You might already pay a company to send one-off email campaigns for your business, but without being able to re-use that email content you’re spending more money for less value. When it comes to your email marketing you need a system that keeps you in contact with your leads, with less work from you and your team. 

Imagine potential customers automatically receiving a series of emails over time that detail all of your products and services, consistently keeping your business in their field of vision.

Our specialised team work with you to implement an automated system, bespoke to your business, with custom-written emails which encourage your leads to convert into customers. Then, we manage and maintain your automated system, so that you can continue to effectively contact your leads in the future. If you want to learn how to manage it yourself, we can teach you that too. 

Whether your content is technical or sales-driven, we thoroughly research your business and your industry to ensure that our content triggers your leads to convert. We understand your business, we write the content and we set up the automated system to streamline your sales process and liberate your time.

We’re offering you the opportunity to get out of your inbox and get back to doing the work that really matters for your business.


If you’d like to start automatically emailing your past, present and future clients let us know, we can help. Or, give us a call on 01473 631344.