Managing lots of projects can be a hassle, especially when you’re running a business at the same time.

It can be difficult to know what’s been done and what still needs doing, creating a needless amount of head-scratching as you figure out exactly where you stand.

At Measured Brilliance, we use a handy online tool called Trello to manage all of our projects. Trello is completely free to use and here’s five reasons why it would be a great project-management tool for your business:

It’s a dedicated space for both you and your client

In each individual project, which are known as ‘boards’ on Trello, you can add anyone you want to. This includes anyone working on the project and even the client.

This makes Trello a great way to keep your clients up-to-date with how far along their project is.

‘Lists’ allow you to segment projects to your specifications

Sorting project tasks into different lists allows you to separate a project into an easy-to-understand steps and segments.

You can then easily move individual cards into different lists, allowing for flexible project management.

For example, you drag cards into one list once they are in-progress and then move them to another once they are completed. At a glance you can instantly see what still needs to be started and finish in your project.

Card customisation can fit your needs

You can add checklists cards for jobs that have more than one step, post comments on individual cards, upload attachments from a number of sources and much more.

Trello gives you all the tools you need to be able to have everything you need to know about a task on one card.

You can have individual conversations about different jobs

Because Trello is a space for both you and your client, you are able to have easy-to-manage conversations on specific cards about individual jobs that need to be done.

For example, when building a website for a client will we have different cards for domain name ownership and Google Analytics setup. This helps keep the individual tasks separated, no more wading through one long email conversation to find a sliver of information

You can use Trello for more than just business

With the great Trello mobile app, you can expand your Trello expertise by using it as a simple personal checklist or a way to track what you need to get from the supermarket.

Trello’s great ‘star’ system allows you to favourite your most-used boards, along with their colour personalisations options, allowing you to easily separate your personal and business boards.


There you have it, five great reasons why Trello should be your go-to project-management tool, leading to a more efficient and effective business.